Dr. Susan C. W. Abbotson Faculty Professor emailsabbotson@propertyhunter-realty.com local_phone401-456-2803 local_offer Department of English Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
Anthony Amore Staff Adjunct Faculty I emailaamore@propertyhunter-realty.com local_offer Department of English
Mr. Jeffrey A. Baluch Staff Adjunct Faculty II emailjbaluch@propertyhunter-realty.com local_offer Department of English
Dr. Jeremy P. Benson Faculty Associate Professor emailjbenson@propertyhunter-realty.com local_phone401-456-9828 local_offer Department of English Department of Educational Studies
Dr. Vincent Bohlinger Faculty Professor emailvbohlinger@propertyhunter-realty.com local_phone401-456-8028 local_offer Department of English Film Studies Program Council of Rhode Island College
Dr. Karen Lee Boren Faculty Professor emailkboren@propertyhunter-realty.com local_phone401-456-4648 local_offer Department of English
Mr. Douglas C. Brown Staff Adjunct Faculty I emaildbrown1@propertyhunter-realty.com local_offer Department of English
Dr. Ryan M. Burns Staff Adjunct Faculty I emailrburns1@propertyhunter-realty.com local_phone401-456-8028 local_offer Department of English
Dr. Becky Lynn Caouette Faculty Professor emailbcaouette@propertyhunter-realty.com local_phone401-456-8028 local_offer Department of English
Karen L. Carr Staff Adjunct Faculty III emailkcarr@propertyhunter-realty.com local_offer Department of English